Guangzhou Huihua Packing Products Co.,Ltd is specilized in making easy open can packaging ,main products are : aluminium easy open end , composite paper can , PET easy open can ,PE cover ,craft and gift packing ,packaging accessories and sealing machine .Ourproducts are widely use for food ,candy , tea ,medicine ,veterinary medicine , pesticides , chemicals , alcohol , snack foods ,dried fruit , powder food , cosmetic ,underwear , sporting goods , drawings ,documents and other products , also is the best container for chicken essence , MSG , chips , seeds , painting and calligraphy , film , butter , glass gun .
Huihua Group use the advanced equipment and creative skilled technology to make the environmental paper easy open can is available to contain water,and it's very popular around the world . We sell our products well around China by our moderate price and high quality , then enter the international market and praised by foreign businessmen .Our main customers areound the world :USA , France ,Canada ,Turkey , India , Brazil ,Malaysia ,Iran, Saudi Arabia, o job, Libya, Russia, Japan, Israel . etc . "you have products , I have packaging , you have packaging , I have material ."Huihua bored for moderste price and luxury packaging . Huihua Group glad to create and service for you , Our "cover the top , embrace the world " spirit create the miracle for you .
公司福利待遇:1. 办公人员五天八小时工作制
2. 国家规定法定节假日放假(并享有婚假、年休假、产假、工伤假等)
3. 享有年终奖
4. 免费提供吃住
5. 四星级的办公环境、优美的住宿环境
- 主要经营产品:
- 纸易拉罐,全纸罐,纸罐及配件 ; 铝泊纸,砂管纸,牛卡纸
- 经营范围:
- 纸和纸板容器制造;日用及医用橡胶制品制造;塑料板、管、型材制造;塑料包装箱及容器制造;日用塑料制品制造;塑料零件制造;安全帽及塑料橡胶帽制造;金属包装容器制造;其他纸制品制造;婴儿用品批发;婴儿用品零售;货物进出口(专营专控商品除外);技术进出口;玩具批发;橡胶制品批发;塑料制品批发;金属制品批发;包装材料的销售;木制、塑料、皮革日用品零售;玩具零售;(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓
- 营业执照号码:
- 914401836718125954
- 法人代表:
- 高彩军
- 经营模式:
- 生产加工 [已实地认证]
- 成立时间:
- 2008-01-25
- 职员人数:
- 20人
- 注册资本:
- 100万元 (万元)
- 地址:中国 广东 广州市海珠区 广州新塘水南开发区
- 邮编:510000
- 电话:86-02061767899
- 副总经理:王彩虹
- 手机:13828410127
- 传真:86 020 82691148
- QQ:1905268722
- Email:1905268722@qq.com